Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring has sprung!!

Well, spring has at least poked its head out of the ground.Saturday was the first day that reached above 50 degrees! The Eastern Market & DC's Flea Market was thriving! Twice as many dogs, babies :D, vendors, people just out walking around, or sitting on the curb chatting... Yes, I just said curb-sitters were awesome. in fact, my roommates & I joined them after getting FABULOUS coffee at Perigrine Espresso down the street. (This committed coffeeshop didn't close during the Snowpocalypse! The employees just walked to work! wow. talk about work ethics!!)
So far, the weather's been holding to the "Spring-is-almost-around-the-corner" standard, for which I am thankful. Goodbye Snow! Goodbye Biting wind that takes feeling out of fingers and toes! Hello Sun and flip-flops! (or flippy-floppies, whichever you prefer). Hello Japanese Cherry Blossoms! (you can be sure that I'll have a proliferous amount of pictures during the Cherry Blossom Festival) Hopefully the festival will happen on time this year. The uncharacteristically hard winter DC had has damaged about 4 of the Japanese cherry trees rooted around the Tidal Basin. Luckily, most of the others are fine, but the budding might be delayed. However, the rest of DC seems to be bouncing back quite nicely!
Coming home from work yesterday, I passed by this guy wearing one of the coolest tshirts I've ever seen! (ps-i want one. haha) It was all black, and in white lettering, there were the words,
Washington, DC 2010"
I most definitely am googling the shirt to see where I can get one! haha (after being under weather induced house arrest for a week...at least everyone in 510 C NEEDS one!) What brave soul DOESN'T need this?

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