Well I don't know how I feel about the "snowless" part, but it IS good to be home!
I'm currently watching "The Sing Off" finale, which is AMAZING by the way! The Sing Off is NBC network's a cappella singing competition. . . AWESOME!!!! Finally, America can see what REAL singers sound like :) w00t!!
So, even though Kanas City is snowless...it's still Christmas, which summons numerous practices and rehearsals at church for the Cantata! This year, my sister was Mary, and my parents were Simeon and Sarah, the Innkeeper and the Innkeeper's wife of the inn and stable Mary and Joseph stayed at the night Jesus was born. It was an amazing play, called "One Bethlehem Night." I was the lights and "keyboard button presser" haha (yes, that was my real title. lol)
I wasn't able to get pics of the actual show since I was behind stage, but I took a pic of the cast afterwards, in all of their robed glory! haha
Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink
why is there nothing to drink? Because all of the water is SNOW!!!! Coe now has about 16 inches of snow!!! The beautiful, sparkling, diamond-like snow has covered EVERYTHING!!
Unfortunately, said snow is not the ideal snowball packing snow...but here at Coe College, we make due. Why get your hands cold and wet by making a snowball when you could just throw your friend/victim INTO the snow? They get covered, and while they're trying to stand up, you make your get-away into the nearest building...or behind the nearest friend. haha :D
I haven't yet made it outside with my camera, but soon I will have pictures of this Winter Wonderland!
Unfortunately, said snow is not the ideal snowball packing snow...but here at Coe College, we make due. Why get your hands cold and wet by making a snowball when you could just throw your friend/victim INTO the snow? They get covered, and while they're trying to stand up, you make your get-away into the nearest building...or behind the nearest friend. haha :D
I haven't yet made it outside with my camera, but soon I will have pictures of this Winter Wonderland!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A Picture is worth...well, a lot
All right! I promised pics as soon as they'd let me upload, so here they are!!
The American Century: A Joke in One Act takes place in 1945.
Director: Melissa TouVelle
Stage Manager: Ashley Garst
Stranger: Tyler Heisel
Man: Joe Sorensen
Woman: Emily Crouch
Tom's (The Man) homecoming after 4 years of being away at war.
Tom and Margaret trying to figure out what to do with the Stranger that showed up in the kitchen
What can I say? My character's curious...but the stranger claims he's our son come back from the future.
Trying to figure out if men really DID land on the moon
Making the stranger, Tommy, eat his crust...haha I got to be a mom. lol
Now for some Thanksgiving pics :)
The Plaza Lights testing!! Usually, the Plaza Lighting Ceremony takes place after Thanksgiving, with like, a bajillion people, but we found out that the technicians turn on the lights at 2 am the tuesday before Thanksgiving!!!
...so there I was with my family...in 20 degree weather...at 2 am waiting for lights to come on...yes I know, genius. lol
visiting my cousin Adrian and his family the day after Thanksgiving.
The KU/MU Border Wars game at Arrowhead Stadium
FINAL SCORE: Mizzou 41 KU 39!!
Mizzou scored a fieldgoal in the last 5 seconds of the game!!!
So that was Thanksgiving break in a nutshell! :)
help me
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Snow! Snow! Snow-de-snowsnow!!!w00t
YEssss!!!! First snowfall of the year!!!
I threw the first snowball of the season at my roomie Michala :) heehee...yes I regretted that later.
But today, THE snow fell. Not just a dusting, or a frosting, but a DUMPING of snow. It's still coming down actually! We're on a blizzard watch, I believe. So, in honor of this beautiful snowfall, we - Brittany, Carmen, Allie, Jordan & I-, like mature, scholarly students of higher education went and played in the snow :) YAY It was amazing...and freezing as heck. haha I realized that I need to practice my snowball making if I am going to survive the winter with my family. (The lack of snowball making skills at my house is certain death by slush ball)
However, the downpour of snow was ill timed. Tomorrow is "Reading Day" which is the day right before finals when all classes are over so the students have a free day before tests. What a waste of valuable snow that could have canceled classes... *sigh*
Words aren't coming easily today. I believe the upcoming finals have fogged my brain. . . which is understandable. Right now, I'm studying for Irish Lit and editing a history paper. ...joy...haha
I have to say, I will be QUITE happy when finals are over. :) However, that also means that I won't be back at Coe for another year because of my Washington DC term in the spring (SO EXCITED) :)
Well, I'd better get back to devoting my undivided attention to studying...whoo...
I threw the first snowball of the season at my roomie Michala :) heehee...yes I regretted that later.
But today, THE snow fell. Not just a dusting, or a frosting, but a DUMPING of snow. It's still coming down actually! We're on a blizzard watch, I believe. So, in honor of this beautiful snowfall, we - Brittany, Carmen, Allie, Jordan & I-, like mature, scholarly students of higher education went and played in the snow :) YAY It was amazing...and freezing as heck. haha I realized that I need to practice my snowball making if I am going to survive the winter with my family. (The lack of snowball making skills at my house is certain death by slush ball)
However, the downpour of snow was ill timed. Tomorrow is "Reading Day" which is the day right before finals when all classes are over so the students have a free day before tests. What a waste of valuable snow that could have canceled classes... *sigh*
Words aren't coming easily today. I believe the upcoming finals have fogged my brain. . . which is understandable. Right now, I'm studying for Irish Lit and editing a history paper. ...joy...haha
I have to say, I will be QUITE happy when finals are over. :) However, that also means that I won't be back at Coe for another year because of my Washington DC term in the spring (SO EXCITED) :)
Well, I'd better get back to devoting my undivided attention to studying...whoo...
Friday, December 4, 2009
Why did the boy throw the clock out of the window?
Well I've certainly seen that happen here at Coe this semester!! It's been my busiest semester yet, and everything came to a screeching halt in November!
So, here's what's been going on since my last post on the 5th of November.
Drumline has beaten its last drum until next fall. (so sad :( and yet, I am somehow thankful the season is over...I feel like a traitor). The Kohawk's last in season game was awesome!!! ...and so COLD!! However, the exciting game made up for the unexciting weather :)
Well I've certainly seen that happen here at Coe this semester!! It's been my busiest semester yet, and everything came to a screeching halt in November!
So, here's what's been going on since my last post on the 5th of November.
Drumline has beaten its last drum until next fall. (so sad :( and yet, I am somehow thankful the season is over...I feel like a traitor). The Kohawk's last in season game was awesome!!! ...and so COLD!! However, the exciting game made up for the unexciting weather :)
Charlie helped the drumline out a bit :) haha
The final score!!!! YEEEAAH!!!
There was Coe's production of She Would if She Could, which was awesome! There was also Melissa TouVelle's senior Directing II project, "The American Century: A Joke in One Act," by Murphy Guyer, which I was in. The play was awesome :) The American Century is a one act play running about 45 minutes, and revolves around a life changing 45 minutes for three characters: Tom, an American GI just returning home after four years fighting in Europe, Margaret, the picture of the stereotypical 1940s housewife, and a stranger, Tommy, who turns out to be Tom and Margaret's son who's come from the future.
I know that sounds crazy, but the play is extremely interesting! If you can, pick up a copy from the library or bookstore. It's a fast read, and engaging all the way through.
Then, like water for a thirsty man, THANKSGIVING BREAK!! Yeeeeeah!! However, it flew by too fast :( My family started a new tradition this year: Plaza light testing at 2 am!! w00t!! Crazy, you say? NO! says I! So here's why this is awesome. Every year, the Plaza, a really ritzy shopping district of Kansas City, has this amazing Christmas light show the day after Thanksgiving. Everyone goes to watch these thousands of lights get switched on and it's a huge deal, however, everyone and their mother's brother is there, so it's always jam packed. This year, my mom found out that the tuesday before Thanksgiving, 2 am on the dot, the technicians in charge of the lights turn them all on so they can check all of the bulbs! It's essentially the same thing as the actual ceremony minus the humongous crowd of people and music.
My computer is not allowing me to upload any pics right now, unfortunately. However, my next post, I promise, shall be filled with pictures (both of the play and Thanksgiving).
Happy December! :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
5th of November!
So we're all familiar with the movie, "V for Vendetta," but what many don't know is that the story behind the story, Guy Fawkes, is true. Here is where the history major comes out of hiding...she's done a pretty good job at avoiding the blogger screen, but an appearance HAD to be made today! I mean, the history behind today is fascinating! ...okay, maybe just to me...but anyway...
In 1605, 13 conspirators plotted to blow up the British Parliament by lighting 36 barrels of gunpowder they were able to smuggle underneath the building. However, Guy Fawkes, along with the 36 barrels, was caught underneath the House of Lords. Soon after, many of the conspirators were caught or surrendered, then executed by the British government. But how did this incident become a national holiday? When the conspiracy was foiled, the British people were so thankful that they lit bonfires in celebration, thus, the beginning of Guy Fawkes Day/Bonfire Night.
The popular rhyme, which was featured in the Hollywood movie V for Vendetta, talks about burning Guy:
Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.
By god's mercy he was catch'd
With a darkened lantern and burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.
And what shall we do with him?
Burn him!
However, he wasn't burned like the rhyme says (ouch). Instead, he and the other conspirators were hanged...ouch ouch!!
So this year's Guy Fawkes day was gorgeous! Brisk fall weather, sunny, the campus was beautiful :)
So celebrate Guy Fawkes day with V for Vendetta (amazing movie, btw)
In 1605, 13 conspirators plotted to blow up the British Parliament by lighting 36 barrels of gunpowder they were able to smuggle underneath the building. However, Guy Fawkes, along with the 36 barrels, was caught underneath the House of Lords. Soon after, many of the conspirators were caught or surrendered, then executed by the British government. But how did this incident become a national holiday? When the conspiracy was foiled, the British people were so thankful that they lit bonfires in celebration, thus, the beginning of Guy Fawkes Day/Bonfire Night.
The popular rhyme, which was featured in the Hollywood movie V for Vendetta, talks about burning Guy:
Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.
By god's mercy he was catch'd
With a darkened lantern and burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.
And what shall we do with him?
Burn him!
However, he wasn't burned like the rhyme says (ouch). Instead, he and the other conspirators were hanged...ouch ouch!!
So this year's Guy Fawkes day was gorgeous! Brisk fall weather, sunny, the campus was beautiful :)
So celebrate Guy Fawkes day with V for Vendetta (amazing movie, btw)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Remember, remember...It's now NOVEMBER!!
Yeah! It's NOVEMBER!!! The semester's over half way over, winter, snow, and Christmas are almost here, but closer in time...THANKSGIVING BREAK!! w00t!!
So Halloween was two days ago...a-MAZ-ing. I LOVE Halloween! Probably the theater geek in me, but I LOVE costumes...and candy :D haha
So this year, I ended up with three Halloween costumes. Yes, THREE. No, I didn't go through too many wardrobe changes, I just had a LOT going on this week. First, I was Jackie O., for the History Club's Annual Masquerade Dance.
Heidi and Me
20's Flapper & Jackie O
Meg and Me
Meg was a Librarian
I was the DJ...yay!
Amber, Brianna, Megan, Heidi, & Rachel
Kitty, Ballerina, Schoolgirl, 20s flapper, & Gypsy
They wanted to learn the Thriller dance...
My second costume, the Grudge girl, was for the Annual Voorhees Hall Haunted Hallways Contest. You know, the girl that pulls herself across the floor by her arms, has bad hair, and makes a sound like a bunch of marbles in a blender.
Haunted Hallways was a whole lot of fun. We were able to decorate in less than 2 hours this year! Last year, my hall spent about 4 hours getting ready for the competition. We didn't have a noticeable theme, just a lot of creepy zombies and ghouls running around screaming, and a whole lot of fake blood. It was scary nonetheless!
The next morning, my throat was sore, and my entire upper body was sore too. It's what I get for screaming and dragging myself along the bathroom floor for two hours straight...ouch. On the bright side, the hall had a whole lot of fun!
Jolly, haunting the bathroom
Aly zombified
me, zombified
Grudge! haha
The girls "decorated" the bathroom mirror with
"Beware" and "Don't let me catch you!"
The haunters!
Michala, Aly, Jolly, Joan, me, & Daniell
The Friday before Halloween, I went to a friend's aunt & uncle's Halloween party. Oh it made me miss little kids! (Remember, when you're at school, it's very rare that you can interact with kids, so the few times you do, it's so much fun!!!)
Isaiah in his costume...Carmen with Caroline
Lydia and Tori
After the Halloween party, it was...
Yay Converse :) Everytime I see someone wearing Converse, I have to take a picture. :)
Halloween was actually pretty quiet, and I didn't want to risk loosing my camera (the horror!!!) so here is a pic of all of us!
The Girls:
Molly (SIMS character), Debra (schoolgirl), Carmen (Supergirl), Kathrine (schoolgirl), Susan (bumblebee), Shayla (schoolgirl), & me (Batgirl)
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